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What is WMS?

WMS fits naturally
Specially adapted to children's needs, high-value quality shoes in three different widths, a clear, simple measuring instrument: The WMS has ensured that children's feet grow healthily for 40 years. WMS is a quality seal of the DSI (Deutsches Schuhinstitut GmbH [German Shoe institute]). The license is only awarded to qualified shoe manufacturers by the HDS/L.
The WMS System
The WMS foot measuring devices determine a combined size of length and width where the addition of growth and a rolling over of the feet is considered.
The WMS system distinguishes between three sizes:
- W = wide (for wide feet)
- M = medium (for medium-sized feet)
- S = small (for slender feet)
WMS guarantees high quality
The WMS advanced training program and the WMS qualification ensure a high quality of advice during the selling of children's shoes. In the more than 800 WMS shoe speciality stores, trained specialist staff support is available in addition to a large selection of WMS shoe models.
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